Monday, September 1, 2014

Feels weird, Man

Props to the cameraperson Hey-knee

For the past month I have been cycling the mean streets of Miami without my GoPro 3+ Camera. It isn't like I haven't cycled camera less before, it is just that as a cyclist you feel a lot safer with one on, and when something goes down, you have that camera rolling and documenting, instead of having to scramble and grab your phone to take a quick pic of their license plate.

This isn't even half of them..

Also many drivers that almost hit you, rage at you, or even almost kill you, for the most part, get off without even so much as a blurry picture. In Miami, it is common place and even officially encouraged to hate, discourage, and threaten critical mass (a protest for safer, bike friendlier roads). This disdain for Critical Mass has translated into rougher roads around the Little Havana area, and more impatient drivers elsewhere. I wholeheartedly approve and on occasion have participated in Critical Mass. I have however confronted bad drivers who have retorted "I am sick of you Critical Mass guys!" or "You cyclist think you can own the whole road and can stop intersections!". I have to ask, is the message getting across, will we get more infrastructure, will drivers respect cyclist more so? I do not know, but my year of documenting my cycling adventures has only taught me two things, Miami isn't getting better, and everyone is real camera-shy.

I miss you baby...

Cycling with out the GoPro has come around as a bit of a curse. This camera was like my insurance, my deterrent, and even if I got killed, I would at least get the guy on camera and hopefully justice. With out it, well, its kinda a bumbling mess. I feel far less confident, I still confront drivers, but I am now more concerned over the futility of the gesture, so I yell at them, they see no possibility of repercussions, and laugh it off. 

This is pretty accurate in Miami...

I miss the weight of you upon my head sweet camera prince...

  Being the stubborn one that I am I still haven't stopped cycling, I might even whip out the old canon powershot and get that one rolling to at least have some evidence, should anything go awry.

And things can get awry real easily.

Well shit.

  Hopefully I'll be able to (at least for the most part) avoid serious injury. Keep a heads up for some of that long distance touring that I have been announcing for a bit. I will try to get a handle on the Naples Tour, the Key West Tour, and the Everglades Tour. With work and family, I am doing my best to move those posts forward so stay tuned for that. Also make sure to check out Rozik if you are looking for some good pants and outerwear for commuting, also, type in DIRTBAG as your promo code and knock 20% off your total. Until next time!


  1. Just drive around with a little knife and pop a tire when a car almost hits you and then ride away really fast.

  2. And fuck this website these captchas are going to keep the fucking humans out.

  3. I honestly think about shanking some tires when i ride. Or at the very least a waterballoon full of paint or eggs...
