Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Opa locka shuffle

 After an early morning rise and some good coffee Martina and I set off to her art project's location. Little did I know the sadistic wizardry I was in for..
Preparing sadistic wizardry
The day to say the least was a wash out, a constant and depressing drizzle. "Why can't London be more cheerful?" I thought. No wait I'm in Miami, within Florida. Just wow, the raining season is upon us.
The road is lava in Miami
After a quick hop onto the Metrorail we forged head first into this depressing mist, soaking ourselves in its malevolent wetness, Opa locka welcomes us.

I'm in for it now... 
Finally a break from the over bearing and rough sidewalks, A large section of road in Opa locka (27th Street) Is sectioned off for parking and at least for now, no one has parked! The road isn't lava here, so good.

So luxurious Opa locka
We finally give up as the rain persists, and grab the bus to finish off the tail end of our journey. We wait in the rain.

Look at the drizzle!
The bus finally arrives and we scamper aboard quickly, loading our bikes first onto the precarious and shaky rack. The must have really did some edgy research into the physics of that bike rack, because our bikes where bouncing around fairly often.

Marty doing Marty things
When we finally arrive we grab some noms and proceed to work on her amazing and fun art project. The bikes comfortably out of the rain but quite dirty. A theme that would be revisited later.

Wood shop parking
We explored a little bit of Opa locka and realized, well, we should probably go back inside and finish working. Also Opa locka you a bit on the grungy side.

But the peoples are nice!
After we depart we realize the roads are practically unusable now. So choked with cars, debris, and dirt we thought better of riding on the street and tried the sidewalk. Our bikes took a beating, bouncing up and down and swerving on hairpin sidewalk turns, it was a bit much, so we decided to wait for the bus. Which promptly found us our Metrorail station.

My bike staring in hate "Why Carlos? Why?"
A quick couple of stops and we rode (quite exhaustively) home. Opa Locka, your are not bike friendly at all. Sidewalk ride is mostly the only ride and even then it's not a smooth one. We found ourselves quite dirty and looking a bit sore from the debris kicked up from the cars, and the bouncing on my saddle... ouch.

Wow we both are quite dirty.


1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention that you taught me how to change a tire. and where is some publicity for my art piece? #cloudbench on instagram ya'll or see it live next month and forever at Coral Gables Museum!!!
