Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Slowest Rebound

It has been a long while since I have done a video and I am still in the importing and rendering process of my current ride. It has been a hefty, muddy trek to get back into the saddle while maintaining a good work ethic; gotta make sure I can afford life's important expenses.

We all know Chipotle, we all know

Recently, I had my bike tuned up, finally utilizing  a swaggy new set of wheels I purchased as a gift to myself. The first ride, after the tune up, was a bit of a torrent of  happiness. The ride was too good to be true and karma wanted to make sure I paid what I owed. It was useful to find out the hard way that my wheel-set is bombproof.

This is a bit harsh karma...

When I was shifting into a higher gear, my rear derailleur caught a spoke and proceeded to promptly stop my bike in the middle of the street-in traffic- fundamentally destroying itself and the brand new chain I just got in the tune up.

Snapped clean off

Rectifying my rectum that is, as the tune up, after everything was said and done, ended costing me over $200. Granted, this is the second time around Thomas and Calvin accommodated me and even waved a bunch of charges since the bike just came clean from the tune up. We all agreed this should not have happened. 

Thanks Calvin and Thomas of Cycleworld Miami for rectifying the situation!

On that note, here is one of many videos down the pipeline. With working at a small business and all the things that come with it, many of the posts will be far more spread out. Please know I am doing my best to crank them out!

A ride with Cycleworld Miami

If you're a commuter like me and want a pair of pants that are fit for cycling, comfortable and stylish for business, check out Rozik outfitters! Good stuff! 

Quick and slick!

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