Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Year's Push

I have some content and announcements in this post! First off,  I would like to thank everyone who has viewed, commented, and shared my blog and videos. This really means a lot to me; especially after one of my videos crested 1000 views! This is fantastic, and of course, leave it to fate to  make my least worked on video, my most popular. So goes the whims of my audience, and so must go my media. This video is the precursor to the "Almost Hit" series way back when I felt the need to document the horrible passing and negligent drivers while I cycled; I strapped an old Canon Powershot onto my head and let it record. Without further adieu, my first 1000-view video!

Really guys, really?

Second, I want to talk about cycling safely and driving around cyclists. Look, I know when you see a cyclist doing his thing you might think, "Look at that fucker; that smug, fit asshole, flaunting his fitness and gasoline savings in my face. I'll give him a good buzz for being in MY LANE!" You proceed to accelerate to a speed above the posted limit and swerve to a clearance, around a foot, well against the law, but then said cyclist swerves to avoid a pothole, a manhole, or even a possum. Right now you have a cyclist surfing on your hood and it is your fault. Or perhaps you want to park your vehicle in that really wide shoulder with a bike symbol on it so that you can quickly step into the Cafe and grab a colada or cortadito. Guess what? No cyclist will be responsible for their keys jingling out and scratching your car as they try their best to swerve around your swole ego.

Cyclist sometimes have bigger, heavier things that may impact a car negatively.

Here is the truth of it all: when approaching ANY road user from behind, you are occupying THEIR lane; it isn't yours and, if you hit any cyclist, you have a lawsuit on your hands; at best jail-time. At worst? A murder conviction . Furthermore, when you occupy a bike lane, you are impeding traffic and thus making the streets unsafe.

Look at this asshole, following the law!

Luckily for me, I do not have a heart stopper of a video to post; the holidays have been very kind to me. It has been really great weather this winter here in sunny south Florida and, with it, great rides and, for some reason, more patient drivers!

Yay for more pleasant cycling!

I also have some group ride videos down the pipe and a vacation compilation! So stay tuned for all that good content! Let me know what you think, or show me your appreciation by liking my videos and commenting!

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