The sequel!
The hardest part about a group ride is the ungodly hour. Let's be honest; waking up at 5 am to be out by 6 am so you can "warm up" (get your ass to the ride without a car) and then start the ride at 6:30 is a bit rough. It is the lord's day and, granted, this year I have gone on more group rides than paid visit to his house, but still.
Don't forget your water you used in a still life drawing!
When the ride gets going, you notice that many things in the cycling world are circular, cyclical, and chain-like, dare I say it. As you are spinning the pedals, turning the wheels, you're following a paceline that cycles through riders. Everyone is taking a turn at the front, but only for a short time until he or she falls back. This creates a slipstream that the other riders draft at a high momentum. Since we can push harder in bursts then cycle back into the shelter of the group, the group (or peleton) travels much faster and can go really far, really hard.
Pace-line, also called a chain gang, get it?!
I was able to get in some good miles with the guys up in Broward. But, this time, I got to take a bit of a gander at the way they roll here in my hometown, Miami. The Broward riders are a bit more constant; the guys up there seem more interested in the miles than staging a mock race. The Cycleworld ride's pace gets pushed hard and there are even brake-aways that form.
Broward Ride!
After taking a bit of time to tune and tweak my baby Phil Jamis, my bicycle (that video will be posted later), there was another Cycleworld ride that I just managed today. Also, I am going to be taking a break from the series "Almost Hit." The whole project is very taxing and time consuming. Simply put: way too much material daily to sift through. I might return to it, but unless an accident or something really dramatic happens, I will only be posting the highlights and the worst of the worst.
Miami's turn! And more to come!
On that note, take care out there. If you find yourself driving around the South Miami area, you best look out for cyclists because you can lie and I can lie, but the camera never fibs. Until next time! Like, Subscribe and follow!!!!
See you space cowboy...
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