Monday, October 21, 2013

A Beautiful Day for a Ride PART 2

I find my way into Brickell and move into the city streets with every intent of finding said Frenchman, did I mention he is french? It doesn't matter, not usually.

I am enjoying a bit of espresso while I am visiting his place of work...

 So after much trial and tribulation I find the elusive Joseph, and in turn share some stories and some coffee, all in good times.

But alas all good things must come to an end, and we head out together, though to separate destinations.

 A gorgeous Sunday in Miami

 After departing The "French Bakery" and Joseph's place i get a nasty flat and luckily in front of the bikestogo that gave me a quick tire change and I was on my way...

 Thanks Biketogo!

 Well I hope this gets me home (by this time the staff had left, it was just some workers hanging around out front earlier and they were closed when I needed help)

 The answer is no, you cannot see it here, but it blew out... I'm going to need a new tire and tube :/

 I get a pick up from an work buddy and we head to my intended destination, another co-workers birthday party. With every said an done I was exhausted and starving, I personally would like to that Matt for a delicious Americanized Chinese meal and some free beer, on that note happy birthday!
Da Birfday Boi

Till next time, please follow, subscribe, or just watch me make a fool of myself out there on the road. 

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